Grinder Hammer Tips: Design, Processing, and Usage Insights

Tub Grinder Tips, also called Grinder hammer tips, hammer grinder tip or hammer grinder teeth, a crucial component in grinding machines, play a pivotal role in production efficiency and longevity. This article delves into the design features, processing techniques, and usage precautions of Tub Grinder Hammer Tips, aiming to provide insights for optimal performance.


1. Grinder Hammer Tips Design Features

Grinder hammer teeth are designed to withstand high-intensity work conditions while maintaining wear resistance and stability.

a. High-Strength Wear-Resistant Materials

High-strength wear-resistant materials, such as alloy steel or hard alloy, are chosen to resist abrasion and impact, ensuring long-term stability under heavy workloads.

b. Cutting Structure Design

The design of the cutting structure should be rational, enhancing the hammer’s crushing efficiency and overall wear uniformity. This involves carefully designing factors such as blade shape, spacing, and angles to effectively adapt to the grinding process.


2. Grinder Hammer Tips Processing Techniques in Different Environments

Grinder Hammer teeth should be required specific processing techniques in various environments to ensure performance and longevity.

a. Wet Grinding Environment

In wet grinding environments, special anticorrosive treatments like galvanization or coating with corrosion-resistant layers prevent rusting due to humid conditions.

b. High-Temperature Environment

For high-temperature environments, selecting alloy materials capable of withstanding high temperatures and reinforcing them through appropriate heat treatment processes are critical to enhancing wear resistance and toughness.


3. Why adding the brazing and surfacing of carbides on Grinder Hammer Tips

In the manufacturing process of Grinder Hammer Tips, adding brazing tungsten carbide and hardfacing alloy serves several purposes:

a. Brazing carbides

Given the substantial impact force hammer heads endure, brazing carbide is used to connect the hammer head and hammer handle, reinforcing the connection strength and improving overall wear resistance.

b. Hardfacing Carbides

Hardfacing carbides is employed to repair or strengthen the hammer head’s surface, enhancing wear resistance and impact resistance, effectively extending its lifespan.


4. Production Considerations

During the production of Tub Grinder Hammer Tips, attention should be paid to the following:

a. Strict Quality Control

Ensuring each hammer head undergoes rigorous quality control, including dimensions, hardness, and appearance, guarantees the overall performance stability.

b. Appropriate Heat Treatment

For alloy materials, employing suitable heat treatment processes to increase hardness and strength is crucial for extending the lifespan.、

It should be noted that it is not advisable to blindly emphasize high hardness. Too high hardness will cause the product to easily break during use, while insufficient hardness will cause accessories to wear too quickly.
We recommend that the conventional body hardness is between 40~45HRC

c. Fine Treatment when Adding carbides

During the addition of brazing carbides and hardfacing carbides, fine treatment ensures a strong bond between the alloy and hammer head, fully realizing their superior performance.


5. Usage Precautions

When using Tub Grinder Hammer Tips, operators should consider the following:

a. Regular Inspection

Regularly inspecting the wear level of hammer heads and promptly replacing severely worn parts prevents compromising overall grinding efficiency.

b. Proper Usage

Adhering to correct operating procedures, avoiding overload operations, and preventing misuse are essential to prevent damage.


6. Is a Different Grinder Hammer Tip Needed for Different Materials?

Indeed, different types of Tub Grinder Hammer Tips are required for various materials. For harder raw materials, more wear-resistant materials for hammer heads may be necessary. Conversely, for brittle materials, a reinforced cutting structure might be more suitable. Therefore, when selecting Tub Grinder Hammer Tips, it’s crucial to consider specific production requirements and the nature of the materials being ground to ensure optimal performance and the longevity of the hammer heads.


At the end

By gaining in-depth knowledge of Tub Grinder Hammer Tips’ design features, processing techniques, and the reasons for adding brazing alloy and hardfacing alloy, producers and users can better leverage their performance, prolong their lifespan, and enhance the grinding machine’s production efficiency.

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